ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving Athens, GA & Surrounding Areas
close up of a lady adjusting the security panel
March 01, 2022

How To Reset Your Home Security System In Athens

An important advantage of having your home security system set up by trained experts is that you hardly ever need to worry about it. Even so, there may be times where you must reset your alarms in Athens. When using the ADT Command interface, your system reset typically needs only a couple tap of a button following a false alarm, power outage, or battery change.

Read The Instruction Manual Before Attempting An Alarm Reset

Here’s a simple yet valuable tip before you begin to reset your Athens home security system, consult your manual first. You don't want to undermine your property’s defense as a result of touching the wrong button. In addition, your system could be different if you upgraded from a number pad to a digital command hub. If there’s ever a time when you’re unable to figure out how to reset your system, don't be reluctant to reach out to your trusted security specialists.

Resetting Your Athens Security System Due To A False Alarm

Typically, a false alarm takes place as a result of an accidentally tripped sensor. You can use the ADT Command touchscreen or access your ADT security app and tap the shield option and type in your unique passcode to turn off the system for these instances. You might be contacted by your monitoring professionals, but simply inform them that you had a false alarm.

Resetting Your Alarm Following A Power Outage In Athens

If power is lost because of a storm or other event, you may start to hear a repeated, high-pitched beep from your control panel. This signifies that your security is running off the backup battery. To reset your equipment and halt the steady beeps, you should disarm/rearm the system.

However, if power is out for a longer period of time, you might need a total reset of your home’s security. Pay careful attention to the directions in the instruction manual -- typically by entering your code and tapping the designated button twice -- and you should be running fine. You may still hear chirps from the backup power, as it may not cease until your battery reaches a full charge. Contact your home security agent if you keep having problems with your ADT equipment at least 20 hours after power is restored.

How To Reset Your Home Security System After Switching Out A Battery

There will be infrequent times when you will have to change a battery within one of your home security components. In order to accomplish this, you want to change your alarm system to Test Mode so you don't trigger an alarm by accident. After the you replace the old battery, change the system from Test Mode and restore your usual settings. If the command center is unable to register the piece of equipment or the battery icon is still on, you may need a total reset of the system.

Resetting Your Athens Security System When Adding Or Removing Someone

Adding and deleting users can be done on your ADT Command hub and the ADT Control mobile app. You shouldn't have to perform a resetting of your system when deleting or adding users. However, if you find yourself moving to a new property that already has an ADT security system, you'll want to reach out to your security specialists at (706) 397-7344 to set up a new contract. The installation tech will go on site to upgrade equipment, set up other devices (if necessary), and do a factory reset.

A User-Friendly Security System Is The Right Choice

Resetting a home security system in Athens is frustrating if it isn’t equipped with understandable instructions and features. If you’re ready to get your easy-to-use alarm system, dial (706) 397-7344 or complete the form below. Our team is ready to design the right security system for your needs.